1. Glossary

2. Geeneral provisions

3. Room reservation and payment

4. Event reservation and payment

5. Contract cancellation terms and deposit

6. Vouchers

7. Rules of participation in the Game

8. Security and liability for damages

9. General regulations of the Event

10. Specific Event Regulations

11. Complaint procedure

12. Final issues

1. Glossary

1.1. Organizer - Black Cat Escape Room sp. z o.o. with registered office in Warsaw, 23/31 Grochowska St., 04-186 Warsaw, KRS no.: 000749321, NIP 521-384-03-47

1.2. Game - a service consisting of making available for a period of 60 - 90 minutes, by the Organizer to the Client and Participants the Room, in which they solve logic, dexterity and memory puzzles. The game ends: after 60, 70, 80 or 90 minutes (depending on the Room), after its interruption in the cases specified in the Regulations, or after its completion by the Client and Participants in less than 60 - 90 minutes.

1.3 Event - a social event organized by the Organizer on the basis of an agreement concluded with the Client. Events include: Corporate Event, Class Outing, Adult Birthday Party, Children's Birthday Party, Hanky and Bachelor Party, the detailed offer of which is included on the website:

1.4. Participant(s) - the Customer and other persons included in the Booking.

1.5. Premises - the premises where the Organizer's registered office and Rooms are located, at 23/31 Grochowska Street, 04-186 Warsaw.

1.6. Rooms - rooms designated for the Game located at the Premises.

1.7. Customer - the person making the Room Reservation or Event Reservation, and thereby concluding an agreement with the Organizer for the provision of entertainment services consisting of making the Room(s) available for the duration of the Game or Event.

1.8. Room Reservation - a declaration of intent of the Customer containing detailed terms and conditions of the Game, such as the name of the Room, date and time of booking the Room, personal information identifying the Customer, number of Game Participants. As a condition for making a Reservation, the Customer must check the "checkbox" next to the statement of reading and accepting the Terms and Conditions, in particular the rights and obligations of the Participant and the Organizer.

1.9. Event Reservation - an agreement concluded between the Client and the Organizer containing detailed terms and conditions of the Event, agreed between the Client and the Organizer through an exchange of email correspondence.

1.10. Service Agreement - a Reservation that has been paid for and confirmed by the Organizer. Confirmation of the Room Reservation is made through the channel through which the Reservation was made. Confirmation of the Event Reservation takes place via e-mail upon acceptance of the agreement by the Client consisting in sending back to the Organizer a signed scan of the agreement or sending by the Client an e-mail, which shows that the Client accepts the terms of the agreement without reservation. Detailed terms and conditions of the Service Agreement are defined in the Regulations and Booking.


1.12. Agent - an entity with which the Organizer has signed an Agency Agreement to conduct sales of services provided by the Organizer, in particular by service providers: Up Bonus, Ebilet, Euro26, Dream Catalog, Gift Catalog, Medicover, Meetch, My Time, Mybenefit, Ok System, Podaruj Kartę, Gift of Dreams,, Sodexo benefits, Super prezenty, UW here, Vanistyle, Viamobile, Supervisor.

2. General provisions

2.1. The terms and conditions of the Room Booking and Event Booking set forth below, together with the privacy policy and any other written information brought to your attention during the booking process, constitute the terms and conditions of the Service Agreement with Black Cat Escape Room sp. z o.o. based in Warsaw, Poland. Read them carefully as they regulate the relationship between the Organizer and the Customer and define our mutual rights and obligations.

2.2. The Terms and Conditions describe the rules of the game, Room Booking and Event Booking, security of the services it organizes: Black Cat Escape Room sp. z o.o., 23/31 Grochowska St., 04-186 Warsaw, KRS No.: 0000749321, NIP 521-384-03-47 (hereinafter: "Organizer"), as well as the rights and obligations of the Organizer and the Customer.

2.3. The Customer making the Booking is obliged to read the Regulations, accept them and inform the other Participants (players) of their contents. Making a Booking means acceptance of the Regulations.

2.4. Failure to accept the Terms and Conditions makes it impossible to make a Reservation.

2.5. While playing at the Organizer's Premises, the Participants are obliged to obey the Regulations and the instructions of the Organizer's employees, under pain of immediate termination of services by the Organizer and interruption of the Game.

2.6. The Game shall take place in the rooms ("Rooms") in the building ("Premises") located at 23/31 Grochowska Street, 04-186 Warsaw.

2.7. Each participant who accompanies the Client, joining the Game - thereby accepts the Regulations. Each participant is obliged to obey the instructions of the staff of the Organizer.

2.8. Each person who stays at the Premises and does not participate in the Game is obliged to follow the provisions of the Regulations and the instructions of the staff of the Organizer.

2.9. By making a reservation, the Customer declares that he/she has read the Organizer's Privacy Policy and consents to the processing of personal data on the terms expressed therein, and serving to implement the agreement concluded between the Organizer and the Customer.

2.10. The Client making the Reservation on behalf of himself and the Participants, is obliged to acquaint the Participants with the content of the Regulations before making the Reservation and declares that all Participants have read the Regulations and agree to be bound by its provisions.

2.11. By making a Reservation, the Customer confirms the truth of the assertion indicated in the paragraph above and assumes responsibility for the acts and omissions of the Participants and persons he has brought into the Premises.

2.12. The Player declares that he/she will not violate the bodily integrity of the actors of Black Cat Escape Room Ltd. (tugging, pushing, hitting, kicking, holding against the actor's will, etc.) and in case of causing damage to the actor's or the Organizer's person or property - agrees to bear all costs associated with such events. Violation of this rule is associated with the payment of a fine ranging from PLN 500.

3. Room Reservation and Payment

3.1. The Customer may make a Reservation using the following channels: the form located on the website: or, by telephone at +48 881 612 321, through Agents (partners) or via ICT systems provided by the Agents.

3.2. In order to make a Reservation and conclude an agreement, the Customer must provide the following information:

a) Customer's name and surname

b) Number of participants;

c) Name of the selected room;

d) Date and time of the reservation;

e) Language of conduct;

f) Customer's contact telephone number;

g) Email address of the customer

h) Method of payment

i) Information about special needs (e.g. invoice).

3.3. The condition for making a reservation is the age of 18 of the person making the reservation and having not limited legal capacity.

3.4. The reservation through the website is made when the Customer states that:

(a) accepts the content of the Regulations,

b) he/she has familiarized himself/herself with the Organizer's Security Policy by checking the appropriate check boxes;

c) chooses the form of payment: cash, bank transfer, voucher,

d) the Organizer will send the Customer a confirmation of the Booking.

3.5. The Reservation through the website is made on the terms and conditions specified in the Regulations located on the website, and by making a Reservation through this channel the Client and Participants agree to abide by the Regulations.

3.6. The Customer making the Reservation shall be jointly and severally liable for any damage to property or person caused by the Participants playing the Game together with him/her under the Reservation made.

3.7. The Customer, after making a Room Reservation, shall receive a confirmation by e-mail to the address provided during the Reservation.

3.8. The use of the services of Black Cat Escape Room sp. z o.o. is payable in accordance with the price list, posted on the website:, which you can read The prices on the website are gross prices, subject to the cases referred to in Section 3.9 below.For Events, the services of Black Cat Escape Room sp. z o.o. are payable according to the separate arrangements of the Parties for the Event and are quoted as net prices. Price lists for Events are posted on the websites: and bachelorette parties parties

3.9. Price lists of events do not constitute an offer within the meaning of the Civil Code, but only an invitation to conclude an agreement.

3.10. The price list valid in situations of purchase of an entrance ticket to the Escape Room, at the Agents is the price list in force at the Agents, on the day of booking.

3.11. Payment for an Escape Room ticket may be made in cash at the Premises, by bank transfer, through the Przelewy24 payment system associated with the online Reservation service, or by presenting the Organizer's Voucher at the Premises.

3.12. By making a Reservation through any channel, the Customer declares that he/she has familiarized himself/herself with the terms and conditions of service, including the rights and obligations of the Organizer and the Customer, and has provided true data during the Reservation.

3.13. Provision by the Customer of an incorrect telephone number or incorrect e-mail address may result in cancellation of the Reservation by the Organizer, without the right to a refund of the payment made.

3.14. The person who filled in the Reservation form, made the reservation online or by phone, is the Customer and the contact person for the purpose of the Reservation. This person is responsible for paying the total price of the Reservation, which may include any subsequent fees, especially those related to the participation of more Participants in the Game.

3.15. The Organizer reserves the right to refund the Customer the money paid for the Reservation and refuse to issue a confirmation of the Reservation in special cases, or to cancel the Reservation and refund the money, in cases of:

a) Errors in the reservation and payment systems,

b) Reservations made by persons who in the past have been removed from the Premises, made a brawl, made any damage to the equipment of the Premises,damage to the Room by another group or other random accidents that make the Game impossible. In such a situation, the Organizer will immediately contact the Client at the email address or telephone number provided during the Reservation.

3.16. In the case of adding additional Participants after making a Reservation, it is the Customer's responsibility to ensure that all Participants agree to the terms of service under the Terms and Conditions and have familiarized themselves with the material terms of the Reservation and the Organizer's Security Policy.

3.17. When making a Room Reservation on the website or by phone, the Customer is required to pay a deposit of 30% of the final price of the ordered service within 1h. Failure to pay the deposit, within the period indicated above, results in cancellation by the Organizer of the Reservation made by the Customer. When booking a Room via, the Client is obliged to pay 100% of the reservation value. In case of payment by voucher, the customer is obliged to provide the voucher number and the name of the supplier.

3.18. The deposit is paid by the Customer through online by card, blik or quick transfer at the end of the reservation process or after the completion of the reservation by phone or bank transfer, indicating in the title of the transaction: "Date of the Game, Customer details".

4. Event booking and payment

4.1. Reservation of the Event shall be made by e-mail by directing the inquiry to:

4.2. The Customer, having previously familiarized himself with the Event offer, available at:, shall send the Organizer an offer inquiry in an e-mail message indicating the following information:

a) client's name;

b) number of Participants;

c) name of the selected room(s);

d) date and time of booking;

e) the language of conduct;

f) customer's contact telephone number;

g) email address of the Client;

h) method of payment;

i) information about additional services offered by the Organizer as part of the Events (e.g. conference room, catering);

j) information about special needs (e.g. invoice).

4.3. The condition for making an Event Reservation is that the person making the reservation is of legal age or has limited legal capacity.

4.4. The Organizer, in response to the Customer's inquiry referred to in paragraph 4.1, shall forward the entertainment services agreement by e-mail.

4.5. The conclusion of the agreement occurs when the Customer accepts the agreement. Acceptance of the agreement is tantamount to sending back to the Organizer by the Customer a signed scan of the agreement or sending by the Customer an e-mail, which shows that the Customer unreservedly accepts the terms of the agreement.

4.6. After the Customer accepts the agreement, the Organizer will send the Customer a confirmation of the Reservation by e-mail to the address indicated by the Customer.

4.7. When booking an Event, the Customer is obliged to pay a deposit amounting to 50% of the price of the ordered service within 72h, unless otherwise agreed with an employee of Black Cat Escape Room sp. z o.o.. Failure to pay the deposit within the aforementioned period results in cancellation by the Organizer of the Reservation made by the Customer.

4.8. The deposit shall be paid by the Client by payment in cash or by card at the Premises or by bank transfer, indicating in the title of the transaction: "date of Event, Customer's data". Regulations under the Civil Code apply to the deposit.

4.9. By making an Event Reservation, the Customer accepts the content of the Regulations and declares that he/she has read the Organizer's Security Policy.

4.10. The Customer making the Event Reservation shall be jointly and severally liable for any damage to property or person caused by the Participants within the framework of the made Event Reservation.

4.11. The use of the services of Black Cat Escape Room sp. z o.o. not previously included by the Parties in the agreement referred to in clause 4.5. is payable in accordance with the price list of the Price List of Events can be found at: and bachelorette parties parties

4.12. To the extent of additional services not regulated between the Parties in the Agreement, the general price list published on the website shall apply accordingly. Provision by the Customer of an incorrect telephone number or e-mail address may result in cancellation of the Reservation by the Organizer, without the right to a refund of the payment made.

4.13. The person who made the Event Reservation is the Customer and the contact person for the purposes of the Reservation. This person is responsible for paying the total price of the Reservation, which may include any subsequent fees, in particular those related to the participation of more Participants in the Game and other services arising from the content of the concluded agreement.

4.14. The Organizer reserves the right to refuse to issue a confirmation of the booking in special cases, or to cancel the booking and refund the money, in cases of:

a) errors of the reservation and payment systems,

b) Event Reservations made by persons who have been removed from the Premises in the past, brawled, made any damage to the Premises' equipment,damage to the Room by another group, or any other fortuitous accident that makes the Game impossible. In such a situation, the Organizer will immediately contact the Client at the email address or telephone number provided during the Event Booking.

4.15. If additional Participants are added after the Event Booking, it is the responsibility of the Client to ensure that all Participants agree to the terms of service under the Terms and Conditions and have familiarized themselves with the material terms of the Event Booking and the Organizer's Security Policy. For the payment for the participation of additional persons in the Event, the regulations in Section 4.11 shall apply accordingly.

4.16. In case of cancellation of the Event Reservation by the Client:

a) no later than 120h before the date of the event indicated in the Event Reservation, the Organizer shall return to the Client the deposit paid, referred to in item. 4.7.,

b) if the cancellation or change of the reservation occurred between 120h and 48 before the scheduled date of the Event, the Organizer keeps the deposit referred to in 4.7.

c) If the Client fails to cancel the Event Reservation and fails to show up on the day of the Event, or cancels the Event Reservation less than 48h before the scheduled date of the Event, the Organizer may demand from the Client a double deposit (i.e. payment of the full price for the organization of the Event). In such a case, the amount of the double deposit shall correspond to the amount of the damage suffered by the Organizer (damnum emergens and lucrum cessans) resulting from the fact that the Organizer could not organize the Event for another client.

5. Conditions for cancellation of the contract and deposit when booking a Room

5.1. The condition for changing or cancelling a Reservation by the Customer is to submit a request for cancellation of the Reservation to the Organizer no later than 48h before the date of the Game indicated in the Reservation. These rules do not apply to cancellation of the Event Agreement.

By e-mail - to or

by telephone - at +48 881 612 321.

For example: A customer who made a Reservation for the Murderer's House on 14.04.2023 at 20:00, and informs about his cancellation on 12.04.2023 at 15:00, will receive a refund. However, if he informs about his cancellation on 12.04.2019 at 21:00 - he will not receive a refund.

5.2. The Organizer makes every effort to change the Reservation if possible, but does not guarantee that it will be possible.

5.3. If a Room Reservation is canceled by the Customer no later than 48h before the Game date indicated in the Room Reservation, the Organizer shall return to the Customer the deposit paid, as referred to in paragraph 3.17., and if the cancellation or change of the reservation occurred less than 48h before the scheduled date of the Game, the Organizer shall retain the deposit, the entire payment if such was made, e.g. through the system. The voucher is also used, if it was selected as a form of payment referred to in paragraph 3.17. In this case, the retained funds may be qualified as compensation for earnings that Black Cat Escape Room sp. z o.o. will lose due to other people not booking the same Room for the same date. In case the payment was made by voucher or through the portal, the amount paid is also used to cover the cost of third party services.

6. Vouchers

6.1. The purchase of a voucher is made through the website - tab voucher, through Agents (partners) or in person at the Premises.

6.2. In order to use the Voucher, you must book any unoccupied date to any Room and present the Voucher when visiting the Premises.

6.3. The Voucher reduces the cost of the game by the value indicated on it.

6.4. The Voucher is single-use and its validity period is 12 months from the date of its purchase. It is not possible to extend the validity of the voucher.

6.5. The purchased voucher is not subject to refund.

7. Rules of participation in the Game

7.1. The game takes place at the Premises in one of 5 rooms: Murderer's House, Sex Room, Nazi Gold, Crime on Canvas, Warsaw Uprising. In the rooms: Gold of Nazis, Crime on Canvas and Warsaw Uprising there is no age limit. In the room: the Murderer's House, the minimum age of the participant is 16 years, and in the Sex Room - 18 years.

7.2. The Client and Participants, by making a Reservation in any of the above-mentioned rooms - confirm that they have read the description and will not make any claims due to the decor, atmosphere and props located in the interior.

7.3. Participation in the Game of persons under 13 years of age must be reported in advance to the staff of the Organizer. Persons under 13 years of age should be accompanied by an adult during the Game.

7.4. The service provided by the Organizer begins when the Participants arrive at the Organizer's Premises and consists of two parts: 15-20 minutes for familiarization with the rules of the game and 60, 70, 80 or 90 minutes for the game itself. The number of minutes allocated for the game in a given Room depends on the type of Room, e.g. 70 minutes are allocated for the game in the Warsaw Uprising Room.

7.5. Depending on the Room, 2 to 10 players can participate in the Game. Up to 12 Participants may participate in the Sex Room. Upon exceeding the number of players, the limit of which is specified next to each Room, the Client and Participants agree to pay an additional fee of PLN 40 per person.

7.6. The game time is 60, 70, 80 or 90 minutes. Employees of the Organizer, taking into account external circumstances, in particular subsequent bookings for the Game in a given Room, may add additional time to the Game if the Participants failed to complete the Game within the regular time. The addition of time is an entitlement, not an obligation, and depends in particular on the time of the next Game in a given Room.

7.7. The Game consists in solving logic and dexterity puzzles. After solving all of them, the players end the game.

7.8. It is forbidden to use cell phones, cameras or other devices recording image and sound during the Game. An employee of the Organizer who notices that any of the Participants uses the aforementioned device may interrupt the Game. In such case, the Client and Participants shall not be entitled to a refund.

7.9 The Participants undertake to arrive at the Venue at the ‘time of visit’ specified in the booking confirmation.

7.10. The Organiser reserves the right to shorten the Game by the time the Client or Participants are late, and to refuse to participate in the Game if the Participants are more than 15 minutes late to the ‘visiting hour’. Timetable: first 20 minutes: Familiarisation and signing of the regulations, presentation of the rules of the Game, story introduction. After this time, the game in the puzzle room will start.

7.11. In the case of, unannounced lateness of the Participants, referred to in paragraph 6.11., the Organizer reserves the right to cancel the reservation, without refund.

7.12. The Participants shall not be entitled to postpone or extend the reserved time of the Game in a given Room, in the event that the Participants arrived after the scheduled arrival date, and the postponement or extension of the reserved time interferes with the next scheduled reservations of a given Room.

7.13. Participants are not entitled to a refund of the amount paid for the provision of the service, in particular in situations:

a) early interruption of the Game at the request of, the Client, any or all of the Participants participating in the Game;

b) when the Participants arrived at the Premises late and refuse to enter the Room for a shorter period of time;

c) when the Participants have arrived at the Premises in a significant state of intoxication as a result of alcoholic intoxication or the use of intoxicants;

d) in case the Game was interrupted by the Organizer in the cases indicated in the Regulations;

e) in other cases, specified in detail in the Regulations.

7.14. The decision on refusal of admission to the Room, postponement or extension of the reservation period shall be made by an employee of the Organizer.

7.15. The Organizer is not responsible for damage to health or property of persons who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

8. Safety and liability for damages

8.1. It is prohibited for persons who are intoxicated or under the influence of intoxicants to participate in the Game. Employees of the Premises may refuse to participate in the Game if any Participant breaks this rule.

8.2. The Organizer is not responsible for any allergic reactions caused to the Client and Participants, related to catering and the presence of dogs and cats at the Premises.

8.3. Participation in the play does not require the use of physical force. Forceful behavior such as kicking, jerking, hitting or other aggressive behavior leading to destruction of props, scenery and other elements of the Rooms is prohibited. An employee of the Organizer who notices that any of the Participants behaves in the above-mentioned manner is entitled to interrupt the Game. In such cases, the Client and Participants are not entitled to a refund.

8.4. The Organizer reserves the right to open the door and interrupt the Game in case of danger threatening the Customer and Participants.

8.5. The Customer and Participants shall be fully jointly and severally financially liable for any damage caused by their fault to the Organizer's property.

8.6. The course of the Game is monitored and recorded. The Client and Participants agree to use the monitoring recordings for the purpose of protecting the property of the Organizer and the safety of the Participants of the Game, as well as to pursue civil and criminal liability against Participants who engage in behavior contrary to the law or to the Rules.

8.7. Excerpts from the videos may be used for promotion on or on the company's fanpage: At the request of the participant of the game, these materials may be removed.

8.8. It is prohibited for the Client and Participants to bring and use any hazardous and construction materials, in particular: weapons, knives, ammunition, machetes, cleavers, screwdrivers, hydraulic wrenches, flammable materials, other hazardous materials, etc.

8.9. The game is not advisable for people suffering from claustrophobia, epilepsy, schizophrenia, people with circulatory diseases or heart defects, as well as those undergoing psychiatric treatment. The Organizer is not responsible for the deterioration of the Participant's health resulting from the participation in the game of persons affected by the above ailments.

8.10. Each Participant takes part in the Game at his/her own risk.

8.11. The Customer and the Participants are jointly and severally responsible for the damage they have done to the equipment of the Room / Rooms. In the case of damage that makes it impossible to make the Room available to other Participants, the Customer and Participants referred to in the first sentence, in addition to the obligation to repair the damage, are also responsible for the lost revenue of the Organizer for the period necessary to bring the Room to its previous condition.

8.12. The Organizer shall not be liable for property damage and harm to the health of persons who fail to observe basic safety rules. This includes, among others. Actions of the Client or Participants, consisting in: inserting fingers of hands into electrical sockets and climbing on the furniture, as well as other unsafe behavior, during which the Participant exposes himself or others to the danger of loss of health or life.

8.13. A Participant who violates safety rules may be removed from the Premises. In such case, the Participant shall not be entitled to a refund of the paid fee for the Game.

8.14. The Organizer shall not be liable for any losses to persons or property caused by the Participant, third parties or as a result of force majeure. In particular, the Organizer shall not be liable or pay any compensation for any injury, illness, death, loss (including loss of enjoyment), damages, expenses, costs or other amounts or any other claims that result from:

a) the act or omission of the booking Customer or any other Participant;

b) the act or omission of a third party unrelated to the provision of services by the Organizer, which were unforeseeable or impossible to foresee;

c) unusual and unforeseen circumstances outside the scope of the Organizer's services, which could not have been foreseen and the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if due diligence had been exercised (including, but not limited to, the circumstances described in the "Force Majeure" section below)

d) an event that the Organizer, acting with due diligence, could not have foreseen or forestalled, and which is not the fault of the Organizer or its employees.

8.15. In case of doubt, the Organizer declares that nothing in these Terms and Conditions limits or excludes the Organizer's liability for death or personal injury resulting from its negligence, fraud or any other liability, the exclusion or limitation of which is not permitted under Polish law.

9. General Regulations of the Events

9.1. The offer of each Event is available at: - Corporate Events; - Classroom Outings; parties - Ladies' and bachelors' parties; - Birthday parties for adults; - Birthdays for children.

9.2. Participants of the Event undertake to arrive at the Venue 20 minutes before the time of the scheduled entry to the Room, in case of lateness, the time of the game may be proportionally reduced.

9.3. The price of the integration room, catering and other additional services, in addition to the game in the Room(s), shall not be changed with a different number of participants in the Game than declared at the time of booking.

9.4. In the event of a random, unforeseen malfunction of the Room, making the Game impossible, the Organizer will take the following steps in the applicable order:

a) The Organizer will reorganize the Participants into larger groups so that each Participant, despite the smaller number of available Rooms, can participate in the Game;

b) The Organizer will offer the Client and the Participants the Game in another Room that is available and has not been pre-booked by the "aggrieved" Client;

c) If the Client wishes to do so and the Organizer has available unreserved Rooms, the Organizer shall divide the Game into two rounds;

d) The Organizer shall provide Participants with the opportunity to participate in the Game in another Escape Room, also arranging transportation of Participants to the premises designated by the Organizer of the Escape Room.

9.5. The provisions of the Regulations regarding the rules of holding the Game and the rules of safety and the Organizer's liability for damages shall apply to the Events.

9.6 In the event of an event to play in the Black Cat Escape Room, the guardian or parent assumes full responsibility for damage caused by the actions or omissions of children or minors participating in the game. This applies to children and minors for whom he/she is the legal guardian, as well as other children brought into Black Cat Escape Room by the guardian or parent. Liability extends to damage caused by the aforementioned children or minors

to the equipment of the puzzle room and for personal damage caused by the children or minors introduced by the guardian or parent to other children or minors introduced by the guardian or parent. Pursuant to Article 427 of the Civil Code, the guardian or parent is the person obliged to supervise the aforementioned persons. Clause 9.6. does not exclude Black Cat Escape Room's general liability relating to the "movement of the enterprise" or culpable damage caused by Black Cat Escape Room's employees.

10. Detailed Regulations of the Events

10.1 Company Events

a) The price for the Game applies to the declared number of Participants, and does not change in the event of a final lower turnout. The declaration must be made a maximum of 5 days before the event. In case of an increase in the number of Participants on the day of the Event, the price for additional Players will be calculated according to the Organizer's Price List.

b) If the Customer wishes to receive a VAT invoice, he/she must inform the Organizer of this fact when making the Reservation.

c) By default, invoices are issued with 8% VAT rate (for admission ticket). If the Customer orders another service, the VAT rate will be appropriate for the ordered service.

10.2. Hen and stag parties, Birthday parties for adults, Birthday parties for children

a) The price of the Event depends on the number of Participants of the Game, the current value is specified in the offers referred to in paragraph 9.1. of the Regulations.

b) The price for the Game applies to the declared number of Participants, and does not change in the event of a final lower attendance. The declaration must be made a maximum of 72h before the event. In case of an increase in the number of Participants on the day of the Event, the price for additional Players will be calculated according to the Organizer's Price List.

c) In case of attendance of Participants under 16 years of age, it is mandatory that they are accompanied by an adult.

10.3. Class trips

a) The Organizer is not responsible for incorrect declaration by the Client of the age of the Game Participants.

b) In the case of the presence of Participants under 16 years of age, it is mandatory that they are accompanied by an adult.

c) The price of the Event depends on the number of Game Participants, the current value is available at:

d) In a situation where the Game within the framework of the Class Trip would be held in the Room "Murderer's House", Participants under 16 years of age are required to submit to an employee of the Organizer a written consent of a parent or other legal guardian to participate in the Game.

e) The Organizer shall not be liable for any mental harm to Participants caused by their participation in the Game.

f.) If the number of people participating in the game will be less than declared in the arrangements, the Customer pays only for the number of people who actually participate in the game. However, if a smaller number of participants than declared will result in the game being played in a smaller number of puzzle rooms than declared (e.g. instead of playing in 3 rooms, participants will play 2 rooms) then the Client, in addition to paying for the actual number of people, pays an additional PLN 250 for each unused room.

11. Complaint Procedure

11.1. Complaints regarding the services rendered - whether regarding reservation, purchase of a voucher or the quality of services rendered may be filed at the email address within 14 days from the date of purchase, date of service provision, or date on which the service was to be provided. The Organizer shall consider the complaint without delay, not longer than 14 calendar days.

12. Final issues

12.1. The Terms and Conditions of Reservation shall be governed by Polish law.

12.2. The Parties agree that any disputes arising between them in connection with the performance of the Agreement for the provision of services or for causing damage to persons or property shall be considered by the Court having local jurisdiction over the registered office of Black Cat Escape Room sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Warsaw.

12.3. To the extent not covered by these terms and conditions, the provisions of the Civil Code, the Act on Rendering Electronic Services, the Act on Consumer Rights, as well as RODO shall be applicable

12.4. The Organizer reserves the right to make, at its own discretion, changes to the Regulations. Customers and Participants are bound by the content of the Terms and Conditions and the price list current as of the date of making a Room Reservation or Event Reservation.

Today 09:00 - 24:00Opening hours
Grochowska 23/31, WarsawSee on map
+48 881 612 321Call us
Terms and conditions
© Black Cat Escape Room. All rights reserved.